An Award Winning Organisation

- 2014 Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards - Outstanding Woman in Business Award: Winner - Joyce Ndeza, Vukani CFO & Director
- 2014 Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards - Community Builder of the Year Award: Winner - Vukani-Ubuntu
- 2014 Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards - Best Enterprise Development Award: Winner - Vukani-Ubuntu
- 2014 Motlekar Holdings BBQ Awards - Achiever: Best Training Programme Small Company: Winner - Vukani-Ubuntu (The Job Shop Programmes)
- Sabtia Recognition Award - Awarded to SLJI for contribution to local economic development in Limpopo
- Metropolitan Oliver Award - Top SMME empowerment company
- Metropolitan Oliver Award - Top new and innovative company
- De Beers "Shining Light" Award - Winner of the design competition
- Best Practice LED Award - Awarded to UJP for local economic development in;Mpumalanga
- Impumelelo Award - Winner of award for SA's Top 300 empowerment companies
- DTI Business Award - Finalist in the Job Creation & Retention category
- TWIB Award (Dept. of Minerals & Energy) - Winner of the technology for women in Business Award
- Best Practice LED Award - Awarded to UJP for local economic development in;Mpumalanga
- Impumelelo Award - Winner of award for SA's Top 300 empowerment companies
- AngloGold Ashanti "Riches of Africa" - Finalist in the jewellery design competition
- AngloGold Ashanti "Riches of Africa" - Finalist in the jewellery design competition
- National Productivity Institute Award - Winner of the NPI Gold Award for best productivity
- NPI Award - Winner of the NPI Silver Award for best productivity
- Entrepreneur of the year award - Awarded by the institute of Marketing Management
- De Beers "Shining Light" Design competition